Call For Abstracts
Submissions on all emerging areas of advanced Physics, Materials and their applications are invited. The topics include (but are not limited to) the following Topics:
Emerging Materials and Devices
- Magnetic Materials and Phenomena
- Biophysics and Biomaterials
- Data storage and neuromorphic devices
- Electronic Structure & Phonons
- Glasses, Ceramics, Polymers & Composites
- Insulators, Semiconductors & Dielectric Materials
- Laser and Photonics
- Low Temperature Physics
- Spintronic and diluted magnetic semiconductors
- Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Nanostructures
- Optical Materials & Devices
- Physical Metallurgy and Phase Transformation
- Topological Materials
Energy Technologies
- High Energy Materials
- Hydrogen Generation & Storage
- Renewable Energy
- Green Materials
- Photovoltaic & Thermovoltaic Devices
- Sensors & Actuators
- Electrochemical Energy Storage & Fuel cell
Computational Physics and Modelling
- Computational Methods, Modelling and Simulations
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks
- Electronic Structure and Phonons
- Quantum Systems
*Submission beyond the above-mentioned topics will also be considered
Conference Awards:
- ICCMDP Young Scientist Award
- Best Oral/Poster Presentation Awards
About University
Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) formerly known as Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) is located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. It is recognized by UGC and accredited by NAAC, A Grade. Since its establishment in 2007, the University has enlarged its scope by offering diversified courses in a very short duration through School of Technology, School of Liberal Studies, School of Petroleum Technology, and School of Petroleum Management. For the development of its faculties, the University endeavors for various collaborative programs. In 2018, the Central Government of India has granted autonomy to PDEU.
Department of Physics at PDEU offers Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. programs in Physics of international standards and aims to create a zeal for science research in the students. It strives towards building proactive partnerships with industry and other research organizations to offer educational and research output to society. Programs are committed to demonstrating science as a human endeavor and thus a way to understand the natural world. Department of Physics has well-equipped research laboratories, experienced and nurturing faculties from IITs and well known global universities to build an aptitude for the research in Physics.
About School of Technology
The school emphasizes on sound theoretical and practical knowledge of the chosen engineering discipline along with a broad overview of other disciplines. It is expected that engineering graduates from School of Technology will care about issues that technology can make difference whether these issues are of health, security, economic well-being or sustainability of world and values. The pedagogy involves industrial orientation, industry internships, civic and social internships, international exposure, workshops and presentations, all geared to give the right learning ecosystem for industry-ready talent. SOT offers 4 years B. Tech., 4 years B.Sc. (Hons.), 2 years M. Tech., 2 years M.Sc., and Doctoral programs in various branches of engineering and sciences.
About Department of Physics
From the nano to the macro, Department of Physics seek to address problems related to sustainable energy, understand the ultimate structure of matter, and the fundamental laws that govern the physical world. It offers unique four-year B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. These programs are designed to prepare undergraduate and postgraduate students to contribute new concepts and technologies, through innovative teaching methods that combine student-faculty interactions, computer-based education, and hands-on experience in well-equipped modern laboratories with an aim of providing the platform for the students to cope up with the global trends.
The major research thrust areas are Renewable Energy, Water desalinization, Fluid Flow Instability and Hydrodynamics, Alternative fuels, Melting and Solidification, Energy storage, Li ion batteries, Thermal system design and optimization, Finite Element Analysis, Additive Manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping, Composite materials, Tribology, Friction Stir welding, Surface, Nanotechnology, Micro machining etc.
Important Dates
Submission of abstract | 15th September, 2023 |
Last date for Registration | 20th September, 2023 |

Important Update