Department Highlights:
Since its inception in 2010, BTECH Civil Engineering has been one of the most loved courses at PDEU. Further, the Department also offers MTech programs in Infrastructure Engineering & Management, Transportation Engineering and Environmental Engineering.
Within a decade or so, Civil Engineering PDEU has become a reliable brand name due to its excellent infrastructure, well-qualified faculties, innovative research and, most notably, its highly successful students.
Some of the Unique Benefits of the BTech and MTech programs at PDEU are-
- BTECH and MTECH Civil Program syllabi are designed per the latest Industry 4.0 standards to satisfy current and future professional demands. Besides classroom teaching, extensive hands-on learning opportunities are given through various internships, workshops, soft-skill sessions, research and comprehensive projects.
- The Civil Engineering program has received the prestigious NAAC A++ accreditation.
- The Department has well-qualified PhD holder faculties from different NITs and IITs performing research and professional consultancy activities in different civil engineering thrust areas.
- Civil Engineering students get attractive placement opportunities at major infrastructure companies like L&T, Reliance, Adani, ILFS, S3 M and High Tech Design Consultants, V Construct etc.
- Many meritorious students also crack the Gujarat Engineering Services to grab class II and class I jobs under Gujarat Irrigation and Road and Buildings Department.
- Civil Engineering at PDEU is also an excellent launch pad to get admitted for Masters programs at top USA universities like ASU, Texas A&M, TU Delft, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, Northeastern University, University of Southern California etc.
- Several past students were selected for PhD at IIT Roorkee under the prestigious Prime Minister's Research Fellows (PMRF) Scheme
- GATE and Non-GATE qualified students get 12400/- and 8000/- rupees per month as teaching assistantships.
- Civil Department has modern well, equipped labs in the Transportation, Environment, Concrete Technology, Structural, Geotechnical and Computer Modelling domains.
- Civil Department labs contain sophisticated equipment which is adopted for research and consultancy activities where students are trained under regular lectures and after college hours.
- Besides physical labs, B Tech and M Tech students also receive software training for in-demand software like AutoCAD, Revit, StadPro, QGIS, Microsoft Project, Primavera, Cadna, Designbuilder etc.
- Our students also get a unique opportunity to work under several national-level research projects funded by DST, GUJCOST, and SAC ISRO.
- Civil PDEU students can also get up to 2.5 lakh rupees of financial support to pursue innovative research projects.
- Civil PDEU students are also financially supported for participating in prestigious national and international competitions and conferences.
- Civil PDEU students can also get funding up to 2.5 lakhs for opening their own startups.
- Civil PDEU also provides ample opportunities for holistic personality development through various student clubs, national civil society events, and cultural, extracurricular and sports activities.
- With more than 1000 Civil PDEU alumni, our graduates gain a unique networking opportunity allowing them to find job and research opportunities across different domains and locations.
- Keeping in view the rapid demand for interdisciplinary skills to excel in today's competitive world, Civil Engineering Department PDEU allows students to earn a minor specialization degree in any of the following streams
- Computational data science
- Applied Machine Learning
- Mathematics and Computing
- Internet of Things
- VLSI design
- Additive Manufacturing
- Robotics
Ongoing Research Projects:
- Development of Earthquake Mitigation strategy
- Seismic Hazard Assessment for future smart cities
- Seismic Ground Response studies and Microzonation for Indian Mega Cities
- Utilization of Plastic Waste in Pavements and other Infrastructural Developments
- Evaluation of Seismic Risk
- Liquefaction Hazard Assessment
- Geotechnical Characterization for Gujarat Using Geographical Information System
- Ground Improvements
- Utilization of Waste in the improvement of Soils
- Characterization of Soil Contaminants and Remedial Action
- Role of Microbial Activities in Ground Improvements
- Application of 1D/2D coupled Hydrodynamic modeling for flood assessment and Management
- Flood modeling and uncertainty
- Rainfall-Runoff modeling for ungauged basin
- Flood forecasting and mitigation analysis for urban flooding
- Urban flood inundation mapping and modeling
- River hydrodynamic modeling and management
- 1D, 2D and 3D flood inundation mapping and modeling
- Geostatistical Analysis of Groundwater Level Variability Using Geoinformatics
- Geographic Information System to target restoration actions in watersheds of arid environment
- Flood Hazards Mitigation Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS
- Water Harvesting Structure Positioning by using Geo-visualization Concept and Prioritization of Mini-Watersheds through Morphometric Analysis
- Numerical Weather Modelling (WRF, MM5, climate change)
- Real-time Flood Forecasting (Raingauge network analysis, real-time updating)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Waste utilizations in Pavement
- Urban Transportation Planning
- Intelligent mobility : smarter together
- Traffic automation to drive efficiencies
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):
- To provide solutions to civil engineering problems and cater for evolving needs of the society through engineering practice and/or research of their choice and pursuance.
- To serve mankind in their endeavour by designing and analyzing of civil engineering structures engrossing its, aesthetics, safety, functionality and sustainability.
- To work ethically and professionally in the chosen professional career.
- To be affiliated with professional bodies and continuing education schemes for their lifelong learning and growing towards leadership roles and also strive for addition of new knowledge.
Program Outcomes:
- Engineering knowledge: Ability to acquire and apply fundamental principles of science and engineering to address the issues and challenges of Civil Engineering and Technology
- Problem analysis: Ability to analyze and solve practical problems related to Civil Engineering and Technology
- Design/development of solutions: Ability to design, develop and evaluate Civil Engineering works to meet the desired need
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Ability to conduct, analyze and interpret experiments and apply experimental results to improve the process in Civil Engineering
- Modern tool usage: Ability to use current technology, skills and modern techniques in construction practices of Civil Engineering structure
- The engineer and society: Ability to assess the impact of global, social and cultural changes on Infrastructure projects
- Environment and sustainability: Ability to understand the importance of sustainability and environmental impact in design and development of Infrastructure projects
- Ethics: Ability to exhibit professional, legal and ethical behavior
- Individual and team work: Ability to work effectively as an individual and as a member/ leader in a team
- Communication: Ability to communicate and present effectively
- Project management and finance: Ability to employ effective project management skills to develop a project plan, monitor and track development efforts
- Life-long learning: Ability to enhance self-improvement through continuous professional development and life- long learning
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
- Understanding: Graduates shall demonstrate sound knowledge in analysis, design, laboratory investigations and construction aspects of civil engineering infrastructure, along with good foundation in mathematics, basic sciences and technical communication
- Broadness and diversity: Graduates will have a broad understanding of economical, environmental, societal, health and safety factors involved in infrastructural development, and shall demonstrate ability to function within multidisciplinary teams with competence in modern tool usage.
- Self-learning and service: Graduates will be motivated for continuous selflearning in engineering practice and/or pursue research in advanced areas of civil engineering in order to offer engineering services to the society, ethically and responsibly
About Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is considered to be the most versatile branch among all the engineering branches. The department of Civil Engineering since its formation is committed to research and development in civil engineering. The vision of the department is to give an exposure to budding technocrats to various challenges in the profession.
The department offers courses at undergraduate level, graduate level and Ph.D doctorate level. The main areas of research include Project Management, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydrology, GIS and GPS systems, Environmental Engineering, Concrete Technology and Transportation Engineering. The department also handles consultancy works and projects in the above mentioned areas.
- To produce competent professionals and technocrats to face the present day challenges of construction industry
- To produce techno-managers with skilled leadership ability for imparting leadership in complex mega infrastructure projects
- To impart world class education and promote world class research
Department of Civil Engineering started its journey on 2010 with an inaugural batch of 60 students admitted for B. Tech course in Civil Engineering. The department presently houses about 500 students pursuing their Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral Degrees. The department is equipped with state of art laboratories for carrying out world class research.
Head of Department
Dr. Dhruvesh Patel
HoD & Associate Professor
B.E., M.E., Ph.D
Email :
Areas of Interest: Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System [Weather radar, satellite, digital terrain model, Semi-distributed hydrological modeling (SWAT) & hydrodynamic modeling (HEC-RAS, HEC-GeoRas, RAS Mapper, MIKE11, MIKE-FLOOD)], Real-time Flood Forecasting (System design, real-time updating, un-gauged catchment, uncertainty, lumped hydrological modeling), Flood Risk Assessment and Management (Flood statistics, frequency analysis, PMP/PMF, geo-statistics, hydrological design), Water Resources Management (Water resources assessment, hydro-ecology, watershed prioritization and modeling, soil and water conservation techniques), Natural Hazards (drought and flood), All aspects of flood resilience and urban flooding.
Brief Profile: Dr Dhruvesh Patel is presently working as an Associate professor at PDEU and has more than 13 year academic experience in Civil Engineering field. He is honoured with Visiting Research Fellowship by University of Bristol, UK in 2012. He has published 16 research papers in International journals and 28 in national/international conference. Dr. Patel has received the ITS award from SERB-DST under the "Young Scientist Scheme"to present a papers at UK in 2013 and at EGU Vienna in 2017. Dr Patel is honoured with "Dam Safety Excellence Award 2018, Excellence in Development of Technology by Aqua Foundation 2018. At present, Dr. Patel is working as Principal Investigator (PI) of the project "Flood Damage Assessment of Dhanera City of Banaskantha District using Geo-Spatial Techniques and Hydrodynamic Flood Inundation Modeling funded by SAC-ISRO, SARITA Program.
International Relations
The university has collaboration with universities of International repute such as University of Tusla, University of Oklahoma, University of Houston, Ontario (Canada), American Jewish Committee, Texas A & M University (USA), Georgia Tech University, University of Sasksatchewan (Canada), University of Regina (Canada), Georgia Tech Research Corporation.
Industrial Relation
Department of civil engineering has excellent relations with construction and infrastructure industries. Our department believes in industry-academia relations which would provide mutual benefit to our students and also to industry. Guest lectures and workshops by industry experts are organized very frequently. Our students have under gone intensive summer training and have continuous interactions with very reputed organizations like IL&FS, ITNL, L&T (ECC), Lea Associates, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), Metro Express-link Gandhinagar Ahmedabad (MEGA), GIFT city, VMS Consultants, Adani PMC, Mundra Port SEZ, JMC Projects India Limited, ITD Cementation Limited, IRB, Bakeri Group, Sintex Industries Limited, SAI Consultant.
Contact Us
Department of Civil Engineering,
School of Technology,
Pandit Deendayal Energy University
Raisen, Gandhinagar-392007
Phone No.: (+91-79) 23275406.
Dr. Naimish Bhatt
Contact No.: 9427352565
Mr. Jitendra Patel
Contact No.: 9879796611
Mr. Shailesh Patel
Contact No.: 99094 21043
Course Curriculum
Infrastructure Engineering and Management »
Flow Chart for Course
Flow Chart for UG Course
B.Tech Civil Engineering UG Course »
Flow Chart for PG Course
M. Tech Environmental Engineering »
Projects / Seminar
- Underground corridor construction for metro rail
- Controlling energy model for GIFT city and PDPU
- Ground improvement techniques
- Underground metro rail construction, analysis – design
- Foundation and earth supporting structures
- Geotechnical site investigation
- Cost effective MCR tiles with plastic grains
- Special and cost effective composite concrete
- Geo-polymer concrete in modern use
- Different curing systems of Geo-polymer concrete
- Damage detection in structure subjected to earthquake load
- Toget the acceleration displacement and deflection of structural member subjected to any load using finite element software
- Seismic analysis of structures
- Structural dynamics
- Exploring sewage sludge as resource
- Green building materials and technology
- Green materials comparison with normal construction materials
- Traffic engineering and management
- Rolling barrier system
- Pavement material characterization
- Emerging technologies in transportation engineering
- Sustainable transportation development
- Efficient town planning for sustainable energy management
- Efficient town planning for sustainable water management
- Climate change modelling for Indian subcontinent
- Land use/ Land cover under climate change
- Low Cost Housing: A study of Affordable Housing Technologies and Policy Framework
- Analysis and Design of Transmission Tower Foundation: A comparative Study
- Ground Improvement with Combined PVD-Vacuum-Preloading System
- Polymer modified Structural Light Weight Aggregate Concrete
- Study of Strength Aspect of Municipal Solid Waste
- Improving Engineering Properties of Soils Having Different Permeability Using Chemical Grouts
- Self-Healing of Micro Cracks in ECC under a Natural Environment with Different Amount of Fibers
- Study the Potential use of Fly Ash for Light Weight Aggregate Production
- Planning and Resources Allocation for Multi-tasking Construction Project with MS-Project
- Mechanical Properties of Concrete Incorporating Used Foundry Sand
- Reduction of Cement content using Industrial Waste
- Implementing Building Information Modelling as a Construction Methodology
- Application of GIS in Construction Planning and Management
- Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID) of Sabarmati Ward of Ahmedabad
- One-dimensional numerical modeling for flood forecasting of Tapi River using HEC-RAS software
- Strut & tie Modeling of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Deep Beams
- Conservation of Heritage Structure (Lakshmi Vilas Palace, Vadodara)
- Wind Induced Fatigue on Steel Structure
- Trip Generation and Mode Choice Modeling To Assess Public Transport Policies: A Zonal Case Study of Ahmedabad
M.Tech(Transportation Engineering)
- Quantifying the potential of ‘Synchronous Traffic Signals’ for reducing ambient air pollution and noise pollution through modelling and field observations
- Application of Waste in improving the Properties of pavement materials
- Urban flood risk assessment and management using hydrodynamic modeling and satellite techniaquest
- Utilization of Plastic Waste in Pavement Materials
- Utilization of Fibre in Pavement Materials
- Application of sensor based technology in monitoring pavement quality
- Application of Bioenzyme in improving the property of pavement materials.
- Pavement material characterization
- Performance of Warm and Recycled Asphalt Mixes
- Moisture Damage of Asphalt Mixes
- Performance of Stabilized Pavements
- Forensic Investigations of Pavements
- Pavement Design, and Evaluation
- Image processing technique in pavement applications
- Application of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste in pavements
- Application of various fibres in different components of pavement
- Steel slag stabilization for flexible pavement subgrades
- Investigation of unsaturated behavior of stabilized soils used for flexible pavement applications
- Non destructive testing for flexible pavement monitoring.
- Evaluation of high strength and fast curing stabilizer for flexible pavement
- Development of Overall Pavement Condition Index for the Ahmedabad City Road network
- Application of Soft Computing for Prediction of Pavement Condition Index (can go for Genetic Algorithm)
- Evolution of Machine Learning based Pavement Management System (can go for ANN)
- A Framework of Pavement Management System based on IoT and Big Data
- Incorporating Geographic Information System into Pavement Management Systems
- A Multi-Criteria Pavement Management System for the Rural Road Network of Gujarat
- Fuzzy Representation of Pavement Condition for Efficient Pavement Management System
- Determining Optimal Pavement Maintenance Decisions through Pavement Condition Index Calculation for Ahmedabad City
- Determining Priority of Pavement Maintenance based on Pavement Condition Index
- Impact of infrastructure development on climate change
M.Tech ( Environment Engineering)
- Advance Geospatial Techniques for Climatic degradation assessment
- Climatic forcasting and accuracy assessment using ML and Satellite techniques - A case of "Tauktae-2021"
- Urban flood risk assessment and management using hydrodynamic modeling and satellite techniaquest
- A modelling approach for gauging sustainability in ground water utilization by Industries and Residential communities
- Modelling the impact of emissions from the landfills on the quality of air and ground water
- Quantifying the impact of the use of different types of sewage and sewage sludge on agricultural productivity along with an augmentative framework
- Modelling the spatial and quantitative impact of emissions from a Thermal Power Plant on Ambient Air Quality under varying meteorological conditions
- Assessing the impact of the varying Green and Blue cover on Building Energy consumption in an Urban area through modelling and field observations
- Modelling the spatial and quantitative impact of the ‘Green and Blue cover’ on Human Thermal Comfort in a Hot and Dry Climactic zone
- Modelling the air pollution induced Human Health Risks over different parts of Ahmedabad city
- City level Noise Pollution Modelling and Mapping for improving the human productivity
- Removal of ammoniacal nitrogen and COD from dye industrial wastewater by using combined Electro-chemical and biological process
- Stakeholder concerns of air pollution and policy implications: A big-data computational text analysis approach
- Assessment of odor around landfill sites using AERMOD dispersion model
- Development of a Compact CO2 Capture Process with microwave assisted regeneration to Combat Industrial Emissions
- Bioplastic:A eco-friendly and better alternative of petroleum-based plastics.
- Solar panel recycling: future technologies and trends through literature analysis
- Battery recycling and environmental challenges: future technologies and trends through literature analysis
- Towards Sustainable Smart City by Particulate Matter Prediction Using Urban Big Data
- Assessing soil pollution around landfill site using remote sensing technique and satellite data
- Study of treatment of nitrogen and carbon based pollutants from industrial wastewater
- Changing the Environment : An Alternative Green Concrete Produced without Portland Cement
- Compressive Strength and Leachate Characteristics of New Green CLSM with Eco- Cement and Melted Slag from Municipal Solid Waste”
- Impact of infrastructure development on climate change
M. Tech (Infrastructure Engineering and Management)
- A Study for Feasibility of Energy Foundations in Tropical Climate
- GIS Based water Utility Management System : A Study of Clear Water Trunk Main From Bhaijipura Treatment Plant To Various WDS in GUDA Area
- Application of Lean Construction In Infrastructure Projects
- Development of a Framework for Green Highway Rating System
- A Study of Properties of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Based Geopolymer Concrete
- Integrated Building Information Modelling & Cloud Computing for Real Estate Projects
- Clean Development Mechanism for Cement Industry
- GIS Based Project Management Information System and QFD Model for Quality Monitoring Of RMC
- Estimation of Earthquake Hazards Through Intensity
- Development of PPP Model for Road Infrastructure with a Special Note To Risk Assessment Using FUZZY AHP
- Development of Personalised Rapid Transit System (PRTS) Model for Ahmedabad City
- Development of Contractual Framework for Real Estate Projects Using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
- Quality Function Development (QFD)- Analytic Network Process (ANP) Model for Selection of Urban Mass Rapid Transit System
- Pedestrians’ Characteristics and Flow Analysis – in Indian Context
- Clean Development Mechanism for BRTS Project
Research Focus
Department of civil engineering aims at developing world class research in the field of Project Management specially in the latest area like integrated project delivery, critical chain project management, building information modeling, cloud computing, lean management. The other thrust area's include advance construction technology including technology for underground and over head corridor construction for metro rail operations, Green building materials and technology, emerging area's in Geotechnical engineering and Concrete technology.
The specific research topics with the collaborative agencies are as below,
- Risk Based Building Information Modelling for Mass Rapid Transit System Projects
- Development of Multivariate Tools for Quality Monitoring of Ready Mixed Concrete
- Integrated BIM and Cloud Model for Smart City Projects
- Development of Integrated BIM and IPD Model for Infrastructure Transportation Projects
- Utilization of plastic waste and monitoring the quality pavements in collaboration with Road and Building Department, Govt. of Gujarat
- Strength Forecasting of Ready Mixed Concrete through Time Series Analysis
- Critical Chain Project Management for Infrastructure Transportation Projects
- Building Information Modelling for Infrastructure Projects
- Building Information Modelling for Commercial Projects of Ahmedabad
- Development of Integrated Project Delivery Model for infrastructure Projects
- Development of Lean Management Model for Highway Projects
- Social Cost Benefit Analysis for Transportation Projects
- Life Cycle Costing Analysis for Bridge Projects
- Clean Development Mechanism for Metro Rail Projects
- Dispatching Schedule Sequencing for Commercial Ready Mixed Concrete Batching Plants
- Cloud Computing Model for Smart City Projects
- Critical Success Factors for Development of Smart City Projects
- Development of Project Risk Management Model for Sustainable Smart City Project
- Utilization of plastic waste in the pavements- in collaboration with Road and Building Department, Govt. of Gujarat
- Evaluation of Seismic Risk – In Collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
- Evaluation of Seismic Hazards for the future Smart cities - In Collaboration with Institute of Seismological Research, Govt. of Gujarat
- Liquefaction Hazard Assessment - In Collaboration with M/s. KCT Consultancy Services
- Geotechnical Characterization for Gujarat Using Geographical Information System - In Collaboration with M/s. KCT Consultancy Services, Ahmedabad
- Development of Earthquake Mitigation strategy
- Seismic Hazard Assessment for future smart cities
- Seismic Ground Response studies and Microzonation for Indian Mega Cities
- Utilization of Plastic Waste in Pavements and other Infrastructural Developments
- Liquefaction Hazard Assessment
- Geotechnical Characterization for Gujarat Using Geographical Information System
- Ground Improvements
- Utilization of Waste in the improvement of Soils
- Characterization of Soil Contaminants and Remedial Action
- Role of Microbial Activities in Ground Improvements
- Application of 1D/2D coupled Hydrodynamic modeling for flood assessment and Management
- Flood modeling and uncertainty
- Rainfall-Runoff modeling for ungauged basin
- Flood forecasting and mitigation analysis for urban flooding
- Urban flood inundation mapping and modeling
- River hydrodynamic modeling and management
- 1D, 2D and 3D flood inundation mapping and modeling
- Geostatistical Analysis of Groundwater Level Variability Using Geoinformatics
- Geographic Information System to target restoration actions in watersheds of arid environment
- Flood Hazards Mitigation Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS
- Water Harvesting Structure Positioning by using Geo-visualization Concept and Prioritization of Mini-Watersheds through Morphometric Analysis
- Numerical Weather Modelling (WRF, MM5, climate change)
- Real-time Flood Forecasting (Raingauge network analysis, real-time updating)
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Waste utilizations in Pavement
- Urban Transportation Planning
- Intelligent mobility : smarter together
- Traffic automation to drive efficiencies
- Application of Numeric Modelling and Remote Sensing for Urban Air Quality Assessment and forecasting - Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
- Big Data Application for Environmental Management - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
- Urban Heat Island effect for Ahmedabad city: Modelling, Mapping and Mitigation - Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
- Sick Building Syndrome: Modelling and Monitoring Indoor Air Quality - Stanford University
- Urban Climate Modelling - Auburn University (AU)
- Treatment of Ammoniacal Nitrogen From Industrial Wastewater in a Combined Electrochemical and Biological Process – DST (India)
- Treatment of wastewater by electrochemical methods – (NEERI)
- Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment through multiple techniques - Gujarat Environment Management Institute (GEMI)
- Designing Bio-reactors for effective solid waste management - National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
- Low cost techniques for removal of Arsenic from Ground Water - National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
- Application of Geoinformatics for assessing the impact of Canal Network on agricultural productivity - Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications & Geo-informatics (BISAG)
- Solid Waste Management: Policy Framework to Community Engagement - Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)
- Environmental Sustainability - American State University (ASU)
- Waste-water Treatment using natural coagulants - National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
Research Projects
Title of Project | Sponsoring Organization | Name of PI and Co-PI | Name of Mentor | Amount of Grant | Duration |
Moving towards Organic Manure using gamma irradiated sewage sludge | Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India | Dr. Anurag Kandya (PI), Dr. Anantha Singh (Co-PI), Mr. Vipin Shukla (Co-PI) | Dr. C. Ganguly | 31 lakhs | April, 2018 - Mar, 2021 (3 Years) |
Urban Air Quality Modelling using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems | Ministry of Earth Sciences, Indian Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad | Dr. Anurag Kandya | - | 25 lakhs | April, 2018 - Mar, 2021 (3 Years) |
Treatment of Ammoniacal Nitrogen From Industrial Wastewater in a Combined Electrochemical and Biological Process | Department of Science and Technology, GoI | Ms. Nibedita Pani (Ph.D. Scholar) | Dr. Anantha Singh, Dr. Anurag Kandya | 24 lakhs | April, 2018 - Mar, 2021 (3 Years) |
Assessment and Characterization of Alternative Materials for Light Weight
Concrete by Dr. Trudeep Dave
Funding agency: IQAC cell – PDEU
Total grant received: Rs. 50000
Seismic Hazard Analysis of Ahmedabad Region By Dr. Tejas Thaker
Funding agency: IQAC cell – PDEU
Total grant received: Rs. 50000
Geotechnical and Geo environmental study of landfill soil by Dr. Manas Bhoi
Funding agency: VW & EM Co. Ltd., Vapi
Total grant received: In process, Amount not yet finalized
Development of a GIS based Project Management Information System for Complex infrastructure Projects by Dr. D Sarkar
Funding agency:
Total grant received:In process, Amount not yet finalized
Clean Development Mechanism Model for Infrastructure Projects, 2015-2017, Gujarat, Council of Science & Technology by Dr. D Sarkar and Dr. S.K. Dash
Funding agency:
Total grant received:In process, Amount not yet finalized
Selection of Appropriate Housing technologies and Policy framework for Affordable and EWS Housing by Dr. D Sarkar
Funding agency: Sintex Industries Limited
Total grant received: In process, Amount not yet finalized
Interdisciplinary Research
Department of civil engineering is carrying out interdisciplinary research with school of petroleum management and operation management. Interdisciplinary research is also carried out with department of chemical engineering in the field of clean development mechanism and carbon sequestration. We are also carrying out collaborative research with Institute of Seismology Research [ISR] and Kalpsar department, Government of Gujarat. Collaborative research proposals are being prepared to be submitted to Sintex Industries Limited in the areas of affordable housing technology and Gujarat Council of Science and Technology in the area of clean development technology.

Lab Assistant
Diploma In Civil Engineering
Phone: +91 9879796611

Lab Assistant
Diploma In Civil Engineering
+91 9909421043
View Profile

Lab Assistant
Diploma In Civil Engineering
View Profile

Lab Assistant
M.Sc in Environmental Science
+91 9978073238

Lab Assistant
BE In Civil Engineering
+91 8460518306
Chapters / Society Activities
ICE (Institute of Civil Engineers, Student Chapter, PDEU): This chapter was formed by students of Department of Civil Engineering, School of Technology, PDEU to provide a platform for students to experiment their innovative ideas in terms of Civil Engineering concepts, designs, materials and construction technology. The platform also provides students ample opportunities to interact with the students of other organizations. The chapter organizes workshops, conferences, seminars, technical quiz, model making compition and other similar events.
Chapter Events
Sr. No | A.Y. | Student Club Name | Type of Event | Level |
1 | 2020-21 | Institute of civil engineers | Expert lecture | State |
2 | 2020-21 | Institute of civil engineers | Quiz Competition | State |
3 | 2019-20 | Institute of civil engineers | Inauguration of IGS Student Chapter | Local |
4 | 2020-21 | Envirofreaks | Photography Competition | Local |
5 | 2020-21 | Envirofreaks | Poetry and Haiku writing contest | Local |
6 | 2020-21 | Envirofreaks | Picture Based Narrative contest | Local |
7 | 2020-21 | Envirofreaks | Online Quiz Competition | Local |
8 | 2019-20 | Envirofreaks | Online Blogging Competition | Local |
9 | 2019-20 | Envirofreaks | Online Photography Event | Local |
10 | 2019-20 | Institute of civil engineers | Parking Model Making | Local |
11 | 2019-20 | Institute of civil engineers | Workshop | Local |
12 | 2020-21 | Institute of civil engineers | Workshop | Local |
13 | 2020-21 | Institute of civil engineers | Workshop | Local |
A.Y. | Title of the Event | Type of Event | Organized by |
2020-21 | Case studies Depicting Sustainable Solutions to Challenging Geotechnical Problems | Seminar | Dr. Uma Chaduvula |
2020-21 | M.Tech Induction Program 2020 | Induction Program | Dr. Uma Chaduvula |
2020-21 | M.Tech Admissions for offline applicants | Admission Interview | - |
2020-21 | B.Tech induction program 2020 | Induction Program | Dr. Uma Chaduvula |
2020-21 | M.Tech Admissions for applicants | Admission Interview | Department |
2020-21 | Departmental Meeting | Meeting | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2020-21 | Scope and Opportunities of Civil Engineering after Graduation | Webinar | Dr. Debasis Sarkar |
2020-21 | Different Job Profiles in construction industry | Webinar | Dr. Niragi Dave |
2020-21 | Building Information Modelling in changing AEC industry | Webinar | Dr. Manas Bhoi |
2020-21 | Scope and Opportunities of Civil Engineering after Graduation | Webinar | Mr. Naimish Bhatt |
2020-21 | Implementation of Lean tools in construction sector | Webinar | Mr. Vasudheo Chaudhari |
2020-21 | Departmental Meeting | Meeting | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2020-21 | Sustainable Energy for all: Synergetic Approach at PDPU | Webinar | Dr. Anurag Kandya |
2020-21 | Covid-19 Pandemic Role of Youth and Volunteers | Webinar | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2020-21 | Primavera for efficient project management | Expert Talk | Dr. Pranav Peddinti |
2020-21 | Expert Lecture on Understanding the heavy metal retnetion behaviour of chemically stabilized semi-arid soils | Expert talk | Dr. Manas Bhoi |
2020-21 | Webinar on Geosynthetics for Civil Engineers | Expert talk | Dr. Uma Chaduvula |
2020-21 | Expert Lecture on "Just Like Pollution under control (PUC) should be also have law on noise under control (NUC)" | Expert talk | Dr. Dayashankar Kaul |
2020-21 | Workshop on Advanced modeling Techniques in water resources management | Workshop | Dr. Dhruvesh Patel Mr. Naimish Bhatt Dr. Ankit Deshmukh |
2020-21 | Webinar Series on An insight into new paradigm of civil engineering practices | Webinar series | Dr. Ankit Deshmukh |
2020-21 | Webinar on Admission Counselling for M.Tech and Ph.D Aspirants | Webinar | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2020-21 | Webinar Series on An insight into new paradigm of civil engineering practices | Webinar series | Dr. Ankit Deshmukh |
2020-21 | M.Tech End Semester Review Environmental engg | end Semester Review | Dr. Dayashankar Kaul |
2020-21 | M.Tech End Semester Review Infrastructure engineering and Management | end Semester Review | Dr. Debasis Sarkar |
2019-20 | Latest trends and design methods used in the infrastructure industry | Expert Lecture | Dr. Rajesh Gujar |
2019-20 | Intelligent Transport System | Expert Lecture | - |
2019-20 | Webinar on: Candy software demo session | Webinar | Dr. Uma Chaduvula |
2019-20 | National Symposium on Recent Advances in Structural Engineering | Symposium | Dr. Tejas Thaker Mr. Ronak Motiani Mr. Vasudeo Chaudhari |
2019-20 | Seminar on Geotechnical innovations and entrepreneurship : Women Achievers in geotechnical engineering | Seminar | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2019-20 | Expert lecture on preparation of an EAP using Geospatial technology | Expert lecture | Dr. Dhruvesh patel |
2019-20 | Brain-Storming Session on 'SMART CAMPUS CLOUD NETWORK' | Seminar | Dr. Anurag Kandya |
2018-19 | "Sustainable Infrastructure: Bamboo Structure and Activated slag for precast Concrete" | Expert Lecture | - |
2018-19 | Recent Advancements in the field of Concrete technology | Expert Lecture | - |
2018-19 | GIS Technology and Career Prospective | Expert Lecture | Mr. Akshay Jain |
2018-19 | Workshop on software application of Project Management: Primavera | Workshop | Dr. Debasis Sarkar |
2018-19 | National Seminar on Advanced Trends in Infrastructure Project Management | Seminar | Dr. Debasis Sarkar |
2018-19 | Industry Connect | Industry Connect | Dr. Anurag Kandya |
2018-19 | Expert lecture on Innovations in waste management | Expert Talk | Dr. Anurag Kandya |
2018-19 | Expert Lecture on Application of ENVI and Arc GIS software in Civil Engineering | Expert Talk | Dr. Dhruvesh Patel |
2018-19 | Expert Lecture on Advanced Survey and Geomatics | Expert Talk | Mr. Akshay Jain |
2018-19 | Workshop on basic Understanding of Revit | Workshop | Dr. Tejas Thaker |
2018-19 | One day workshop on Micro climatic modeling using ENVI Met | Workshop | - |
2018-19 | 02 days workshop on Understanding drawing and documents of construction projects | Workshop | Dr. Rajesh Gujar |
2018-19 | Symposium on Current challenges for Safe and sustainable structural Development | Symposium | Dr. Tejas Thaker Mr. Ronak Motiani Mr. Vasudeo Chaudhari |
2017-18 | 5 day National Brainstorming workshop on Urban Environmental Challenges | Workshop | Dr. Anurag Kandya |
2017-18 | 2 days VISSIM traffic and transport Simulation Software training program | STTP | Mr. Manivel M |
Industrial Visits
To prepare competent Civil Engineers through technovations, research and excellence in education for serving evolving human needs and infusing sustainable developments.
- To ignite and energize young minds and arm them with the Roots of Knowledge and Wings of Creativity.
- To excel as a Problem Solver by promoting and supporting cutting edge research, innovations and excellence in education.
- To Unfold new realms of Civil Engineering addressing the needs of the Industry and Society for sustainable development.
Campus Recruitment
E I Technologies | GACL | GIFT City | Green Env. Co-op. Society Ltd. | IBM |
IL&FS | Infosys | ITD Cementation | JMC Projects | Moser baer |
NKG Infra | Quanta Process | Reliance Industries Ltd. | Sheth Construction | Tata Chemical Ltd. |
Tata power | Samsara | ESHIA | Kansagra School | Shreeji Infracon |
Shikhar Infra | Adani | Pinclick | Narmada Water | OYO |
Buildcon | Mascot | Byjus | Seeta Construction | SAFAL |
No. | Guest’s Name | Designation | Industry |
1 | Mr. Parth Patel | Director | LGEOM Pvt Ltd, Gandhinagar |
2 | Mr. Chintan Oza | Executive | ESRI India |
3 | Ms. Silky Agrawal | Executive | Geocarte Radar Technology Pvt Ltd |
4 | Mr. Rajbeer Singh | Vice-President | Scan Point Geomatics Pvt Ltd |
5 | Shri Devendra Patel | Sr. Vice President | Scan point Geomatics Pvt Ltd |
6 | Mr. Uttam Banerjee | Founder Director | Ekam Solutions |
7 | Tejas Belani | Manager | Howe Engineering projects India Pvt. Ltd |
8 | Mr. Vishal Patel | Director | Notion Associates, Ahmedabad |
9 | Mr. Kiran Patel | Director | KVC Environment Consultancy |
10 | Dr. Bharat Jain | Member Secretary | Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre, Gandhinagar |
11 | Mr. Faisalalam Shaikh | Director | ROOTS |
12 | Mr. Ram Sing Rajput | Director | National level Expert & Techno Consultant |
13 | Mr. Biren Dalal | General Manager | TCE Ltd, Ahmedabad |
14 | Mr. Rahul Shah | MD | Ratnamani Engineers and Fabricators |
15 | Mr. Umang Seth | Director | Ratnamani Engineers and Fabricators |
16 | Mr. Karan Thacker | Director | Katira Construction Ltd |
17 | Mr. Tejas Joshi | Project Manager | Claris Life Sciences |
18 | Mr Manvinder Singh | Senior General Manager | Arvind Smart Spaces Ltd |
19 | Mr. Harish Buddha | CEO | X-H2O Solutions |
20 | Mr. Mayur Bhandarkar | Territory Technical Service Manager | UltraTech Cement |
21 | Mr. Anurag Nambiar | Sr. Engineer | Howe Engineering projects India Pvt. Ltd |
Industry Expert Lectures
1 | Ms. Shubhangi Mane | Analyst Technical Support | ESRI India Technology Ltd | Application pf ENVI and Arc GIS software in Civil Engineering | 12/7/2018 |
2 | Mr. Ravikant Tiwari | Co-founder | Operisoft Solutions | Application pf ENVI and Arc GIS software in Civil Engineering | 12/7/2018 |
3 | Dr. Chaaruchandra K orde | Post Doc Fellow/ Technical Director | Trinity College Dublin/ Greenban Infra Tech Pvt. Ltd. | Sustainable Infrastructure:Bamboo S tructure and Activated slag for precast Concrete | 10/8/2018 |
4 | Mr. Jignesh Bhavsar | Director | Techcon Services | Recent Advancements in the field of Concrete technology | 24/8/2018 |
5 | Mr. Satyam Dave | Proprietor | Analytics Solution | GIS Technology and Career Prospective | 19/11/2018 |
6 | Mr. Tejas Joshi | DGM-Projects | Claris Life Sciences Limited | Project Management: A Holistic Approach” | 26/03/2019 |
7 | Mr. Vishwas Kelkar | Assistant Vice President | IL & FSTransportation Net works Ltd (ITNL) | Rehabilitation by In- situ Cold Recycling Technique (CRT) | 29/4/2019 |
8 | Mr. Chintan Patel | HCP consultants | Technology for Construction Project | 09/04/2019 | |
9 | Mr Dinesh Adepu | Senior Engineer | SNC-Lavalin, Mumbai, India | Exploring Petroleum/Offshore Indust ry –A Civil Engineering Perspective | 16/9/2019 |
10 | Mr. Kaoustubh Tiwari | Senior Engineer | WAPCOS Gandhinagar | Preparation of an EAP using a Geo Spatial Techniques | 04/12/2019 |
11 | Ms. Bruna | Intern | - | Basic Understanding of Revit | 22/11/2018 |
12 | Ms. Ojas Pandya | Ph.D Scholar | - | To Develop Flood Forecasting Approach of Ahmedabad City | 25/5/2019 |
13 | Mr Abhi Patel | Project Manager | H.V. Infratex Ltd | Primavera for efficient Project Management. | 18-12-20 to 19-12-20 |
14 | Mr. Nirav Nagadiya | General Manager | Fluidyn Consultancy Pvt. Ltd | Online Talk on "Accidental release of pollutants and possible mitigation measures" | 06-01-2021 |
15 | Mr. Satyen Navinchandra | Founder and Director | YHonk | Online Talk on "Pollution Under Control (PUC)" | 03-02-2021 |
16 | Mr. KRISHNAPRASA D U | Project Manager | Fluidyn Consultancy Pvt. Ltd | Performance analysis of Odour reduction measures by dispersion model ' | 02/06/2021 |
17 | Dr. Kishor S. Kulkarni | Scientist & Assistant Professor | CSIR-CRI, Roorkee | Prefabricated beam-column connection for Dry Construction System | 27/03/2021 |
18 | Er. P Surya Prakash | Managing Director | SatyaVani Projects and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad | Role of Structural Engineer in Construction Industry | 27/03/2021 |
Past Newsletters
- Newsletter February 2021
- Newsletter January 2021
- Newsletter 2020
- Newsletter July-August 2019
- Newsletter April-June 2019
- Newsletter 2018-19

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Student Achievers 2022-23
Industry Institute Interface