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Concept Note For Centre Of Excellence In Climate Change


  • To provide policy and technological solutions to India’s Climate Change issues and concerns
  • To contribute towards awareness of Climate Change Issues at State, National And International Level
  • To create Sustainable Development options for society and economy while addressing the Climate Change Issues
  • To develop new knowledge & disseminate existing information on Climate Change Issues

Focus Areas:

  • Renewable Energy Development
  • Carbon Market Development in India
  • Environmental Studies
  • Bio-Diversity Studies
  • Socio-Economic Studies
  • Disaster Risk Management
  • Green Buildings
  • Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Urban Cities and Climate Change


Major Research Areas of the Centre:

Air Quality & Pollution
One of the biggest concern of the Green House Gas emissions have been the continuous deterioration in Air Quality. It has been more predominant in Developing countries. This is leading to a situation where people have to live continuously in unhealthy air quality conditions.  

Ecosystem and Climate Change
The Green House Gas emissions has started affecting the Ecosystem of the    Globe and in pockets spread across various geographies of Globe. This disturbance is causing imbalance in Ecosystem life cycle hence affecting the Human Life cycle with big repercussions.

Water and Climate Change
The biggest challenge for the mankind in coming generations would be to have good quality water for drinking. The un-certainty in monsoons, the extreme changes in weather conditions leading to floods and draughts have affected the livelihood of millions.

Energy and Climate Change Policy  & Technology
The renewable energy technology and policy will be key drivers to meet the energy access needs of millions across the globe, while mitigating the Green House Gas emissions.

Climate Change and Economic Sustainable Development
The impetus on Sustainable Development will provide a socio-economic model development which can take millions out of poverty.

International Climate Finance Architecture
The biggest concern towards a change and ensuring synchronisation of Climate Change in all models of development would be availability of funds. These funds would be need for developing new technologies, tools and methods that ensure Climate Change Mitigation goal is realizable.

International Benchmarks
Every country, every society and every economy has acknowledge that Climate Change concern is real and would have great impact in our lifetime itself. Hence every stakeholder has already taken or have started taking measures towards mitigation of it. Every challenge has its unique context, hence a unique solutions. It is imperative to learn and adopt from such experience of past to have the desired outcome of mitigation.

Climate Change Policy Analysis
Policy is the defining measure for creating an enabling framework towards Climate Change mitigation. The Government has to provide policy instruments through in depth discussions with all stakeholders of the society.

Expected Outcomes with associated timelines of the Centre:

Development of Case Studies: In order to provide contextual understanding of resources, constraints, implementations and impacts of various Climate Change mitigation measures in different national and international settings case studies would be developed. This will help give a fresh perspective on approaching an issue / concern in Climate Change policy formulation and implementation. This is expected within the First Quarter of formation of the centre.

Climate Change Awareness Campaigns: Climate Change has to be social campaign and hence involvement and integration of society, citizens will be pivotal in creating large impacts. The centre would be organizing Climate Change Awareness Campaigns for sensitizing and making people aware about the Issue and the Mitigation strategies. This is expected within the First Quarter of formation of the centre.

Publications: As a part of its mandate to develop new knowledge and disseminate current information in Climate Change domain, the centre would undertake publications of books, articles, working papers to create awareness of Climate Change issues and mitigation strategies. The centre will become a major source of maintain Information Symmetry in Climate Change area. This is expected within the Second Quarter of formation of the centre.

Development of new technologies: The main fulcrum of mitigation of Climate Change lies in development of renewable technologies / greenhouse gas emission reduction technologies. Hence the Centre will aim to develop technologies which meets the objective of the centre. The centre aims to start developing technologies by Second Quarter.

Undertaking Research Projects: The centre would undertake research projects for various departments of state and central government in the above mentioned focus and research areas. The aim of the research project shall be inputs on Climate Change policy evaluation, policy monitoring and policy formulation. This is expected within the Third Quarter of formation of the centre.

Conference: The centre aims to bring all important national / international stakeholders annually on one platform to deliberate, discuss and decide the way forward for Climate Change interventions needed to keep Climate Change target at achievable levels and ensuring that future trajectories are correctly charted out. In parallel, the centre will show case its outcomes on other national and international platforms to have inputs on the undertaken work. This is expected within the Third Quarter of formation of the centre.

Organizing Training Programs: The policy formulation is mixture of science and art. The science precedes arts in some spheres and likewise vice-versa. The balance has to be made between them depending on the settings in which the policy is being framed and the objective for which it is framed. The centre would develop human resources in the government who understand and apply this nuances of Climate Change policy in the practice. Also training programs in Technology developments in climate change mitigation will be undertaken. The technological workshop will aim to develop skilled man force for driving Climate change efforts on ground. This is expected within the Fourth Quarter of formation of the centre.

Policy Advisory: The outcome would be to provide inputs to concerned government authorities while new policy formulation in Climate Change domain is underway or when the changes in the earlier versions of policy in Climate Change domain are being discussed. This is expected within the Fourth Quarter of formation of the centre.

After Fourth Quarter, all above mentioned activities will go on in parallel and Centre would start actively contributing in all the areas and all the activities.

